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My 2018 Thankful List

My 2018 Thankful List

It is that time of the year again folks….the time when we gather with family, give thanks for all our blessings and focus on spending time with loved ones while shoving our faces full of delicious eats! There is so much to be thankful for and I am a firm believer in stating out loud…..so here you go!!

I am thankful for my parents….I wouldn’t be here without them and wouldn’t be as knowledgeable in this world without their guidance.  They have taught me patience, gratitude and above all faith. For that I am forever indebted to them and carry their ideals with me always!

I am thankful for my children. Without them I don’t know where I would be today…you two saved my life. I was getting in a whirlpool of misdirection until I got pregnant with my son Keian in 2015. When he came along I realized my purpose in this life was SO much greater than I ever imagined. Kira was born in 2017 and she taught me how to be carefree and have fun again….she is the most whimsical child you will every meet. Mommy loves you both SO much! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦  👧🏽👦🏽

I am ever so thankful for my AMAZING husband Matthew in this roller coaster called life. You stole my heart 13 years ago and have been running with it ever since. You are patient, forgiving, kind AND you can cook 😍🙌 . You exude a golden aura when taking care of our babies and watching you be the Father you are makes my heart swoon everyday over and over and OVER again. I won the lottery folks and will be grateful to this man FOREVER. I love you Matthew Rogers!!💏

I am thankful for my amazing siblings who are there anytime I call! To Khalia, Tammy, Treasia, Barry, Harold, Maurice and Sherry in heaven…..I love you more than you can ever imagine. Although I have been on the West Coast for the past 10 years, you pick up anytime I call and listen to my whining. I need someone to listen and you are always there for me! Thank you for being opinionated like Mom, brash like Dad and sweet in your own ways. Thankful for my siblings doesn’t even begin to describe my love for you all….you give me so much push and stride.

I am thankful for my blog that I just got serious about about a couple of months ago. Without this, I wouldn’t  have met so many people whom are like-minded as me and passionate enough to help me along the way. In three short months, I have done giveaways with two separate companies, collaborated with 4 different companies through sponsorship, created a media kit and gained more knowledge I could have ever dreamed of! The Maeday Chronicles has been my ideal type of WAHM position and I am just getting started!

Above all else, I am thankful for God, who without I wouldn’t be where I am. I have seen some trials and tribulations in my short time on this ride called life. I am full of faults and past regrets but with faith and prayers, I am still here. Learning, growing and ready for 2019. I am claiming this year as my own and 



  1. November 23, 2018 / 6:01 pm

    This was a lovely post. It’s so important to remember and be thankful for the good things in life, like family and friends.

    • themaedaychronicles
      November 24, 2018 / 2:03 am

      Yes it is!!! Its the most important part of my life!!

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