Living in California with family alllll the way in North Carolina has made us quite the expert on traveling with little ones. It used to be a breeze but now that we have TWO, costs have double and remembering everything is that much harder. There are a few tips I have to ease your mind so read along!
Car Seats: Bring it WITH YOU!
I cannot stress enough how important this is! Most people will rely on renting one but I have heard too many horror stories of car companies being out of them and parents stranded at the airport. Do not do it to yourself! I know it seems like a lot of extra baggage, but when your flight lands and you are ready to get to your final destination, you shall thank me! I add removable straps and wear it like a book bag to make it more manageable through the airport! You can curbside check the car seats to assure you have it and it doesn’t get lost or damaged in baggage
Invest in a Double Stroller
When I bought a double stroller, it was one of the best days of my life! Even if you only have one child, just do it. The extra seat alone will assist you when getting through the airport. I invested in a Delta Children double stroller which has been perfect (It is on sale for $60 at Amazon right now!) It’s lightweight, easy to maneuver and comes with two storage pouches, shade covers above the children and a cup holder for the parents! The last thing you need is extra aggravation trying to tote all your belongings through the airport. Curb side check this item so its ready for you when you deboard the plane.

Traveling with Frozen Breast Milk
Are you a breastfeeding mother? Then listen closely, this section is for you. TSA does not have a definitive amount you can bring, but an ample amount will get you through! Freeze your breastmilk and purchase a small, fabric based cooler to store it in like this: Take newspaper and wrap each individual frozen pouch. Place them all in a ziploc bag and wrap that around in newspaper as well. The newspaper acts as insulation so your milk remains frozen for the duration of the flight!
Bring an Empty Water Bottle
Have you SEEN the prices for water at the airport? Almost $5 dollars for a bottle is ridiculous and I need all the money I can get! Invest in a good water bottle and fill it at the handy dandy water stations that are provided. You save so much and avoid being that person pouring $5 dollars into the trashcan before going through security.
Bring Full Bottles of Milk
My son is OBSESSED with milk. It’s a habit that is hard to break but it gets him to sleep. Milk is another super expensive item at the airport so bring ample amounts with you on the flight. I fill up 3 separate bottles with lids so I have 24 ounces to get me through. Airport security will spin the bottles in a device to check for dangerous liquids but it doesn’t take much time and is SO worth it. If your kid drinks milk like mine, save yourself the hassle and money. You won’t regret it!
Airplane Bottles for the Parents
Flying with kids is never fun. No matter how good your kids are, it’s stressful on everyone. Purchase yourself some airplane bottles of liquor to save you money and help take the edge of flying off! I always stash 4 mini airplane bottles in my purse for the flight. When the in flight service comes around, get yourself a free coke or juice and make yourself a nice cocktail. Why pay 8 bucks a drink when you can do it yourself FOR FREE 🙌🤑 (Sidenote, this is frowned upon so hide them from the flight attendant until they pass by!)
You can check for any questions you have at the TSA.Gov site here. I hope you enjoyed this article and happy flying!✈
These are some very handy tipsā¦ thank you š